His brother Sandy announced the sad news on Facebook, prompting an outpouring of condolences and grief from friends and colleagues both within and outside the coin-op industry. Even though the Bettelman family had exited the industry years ago, their contributions and impact continued to be remembered fondly by those who knew them.
Ira Bettelman's leadership at C.A. Robinson & Co. left a lasting impression on the coin-op business, and he was known simply as "Ira" to many in the industry. He took over the dealership after the passing of his father "Mr. B" and mother Leah.
As the news of Ira's passing spread, phone calls and messages resonated throughout the industry, with friends sharing their grief at the loss of a respected member of the coin-op family who many were proud to call a dear friend.
The coin-op community will undoubtedly continue to remember and honor Ira Bettelman's contributions to the industry, as well as the strong legacy he leaves behind.
For more detail and life story visit Replay Magazine