Entertainment Concepts, Inc. - Verifying Local Codes and Ordinance Compatibility - Bringing Dreams to Reality in 2023 - Amusement Resource Connection

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Verifying Local Codes and Ordinance Compatibility - Bringing Dreams to Reality in 2023

Verifying the compatibility of local codes and ordinances is an important aspect of any construction or development project. Failing to comply with local regulations can result in costly fines, delays, and even legal action.

Entertainment Concepts, Inc.To ensure that your project is in compliance with local regulations, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Research local zoning ordinances: Each community has its own set of zoning ordinances that regulate what can be constructed in each zoning district. It is important to research these regulations to determine what types of structures are allowed in your area, as well as any restrictions on setback requirements, height limitations, and other development standards.

  2. Check noise, hours of operation, and lighting regulations: In addition to zoning regulations, many communities also have rules in place that regulate noise levels, hours of operation, and lighting. It is important to be aware of these regulations, especially if your project involves a business or commercial property.

  3. Research other local or state regulations: Other local or state regulations may impact your project, including regulations related to drainage, sanitary sewers, water mains, and other infrastructure. Highway departments may also have specific restrictions on driveways and left turns that could impact your project.

  4. Consult with local officials: It is a good idea to consult with local officials, including zoning officials, building inspectors, and other regulatory bodies, to ensure that your project complies with all relevant regulations. These officials can provide valuable guidance and answer any questions you may have.

  5. Incorporate regulatory requirements into your master plan: Once you have a clear understanding of all relevant regulations, it is important to incorporate these requirements into your master plan and site engineering work. By doing so, you can ensure that your project is in compliance with all regulations and avoid any costly delays or legal action.


Developing Community Support (Will be the next article in series)

Peter F. Olesen, P.E. is president of Entertainment Concepts, Inc Peter is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois and is President of Entertainment Concepts, Inc. The firm has been and continues to be at the forefront of go-kart, miniature golf course and bumper boat pond design, introducing many innovations in safety, geometrics, design and construction methods now widely emulated throughout the industry. 

You can get more information at our web page:  www.fecdesigners.com, peteolesen@yahoo.com or 847-561-7013.

Story ID: 78