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Prior to submitting plans for approval by planning and zoning boards, it would be very wise to “meet the neighbors” and to cultivate business and political leaders to better understand what you are and what you are not.
Once people receive notices that there is a new project proposed in the neighborhood, the rumor mills start grinding. It is far better to have laid your cards out on the table, so to speak, with the people that can either hurt you or help you; than it is to have people coming to the meeting already seething, because they were not aware of the idea ahead of time. Many people don’t know how to reverse themselves once they’ve taken a position. This is especially true of community leaders, commission or board members and elected officials.
The more you can reinforce positive thinking up front, the better the ultimate results will be. Too often public opposition based on a lack of realistic information has resulted in great projects going down to defeat because of unfounded concepts on noise, traffic, lighting and attendees. An informed public is far more likely to be supportive. Don’t create enemies out of people who aren’t familiar with your type of facility.
There are information packages available that can be of great value in helping people feel comfortable with your proposed facility.
Commencing review and approval process (Will be the next article in series)
Peter is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois and is President of Entertainment Concepts, Inc. The firm has been and continues to be at the forefront of go-kart, miniature golf course and bumper boat pond design, introducing many innovations in safety, geometrics, design and construction methods now widely emulated throughout the industry.
You can get more information at our web page:,