SMASH made its world debut in India last week at the IAAPI show in Mumbai. The game was represented by LAI’s exclusive Indian distributor, CSML. Next, the game will be on display at the DEAL show in Dubai March 5-7 in the Amusement Services International Pavilion. ASI has exclusive distribution rights for LAI Games in the region.
Later this month, SMASH makes its US debut at Amusement Expo International, taking place March 20-21 in Las Vegas. The company will also have on display all the games introduced at the IAAPA Expo, including Cosmic Tower, Dragon’s Bane, Asphalt Moto Blitz and Air Strike, as well as many of their other hits.
Experience SMASH for yourself at IAAPI and DEAL or visit LAI Games Booth #439 at Amusement Expo. For more information, visit
About LAI Games:
LAI Games, a subsidiary of the Helix Leisure Group, has been a leader in the interactive entertainment and game industry for over 60 years. With a reputation for innovative and high earning games, LAI Games commits to providing the most profitable and memorable entertainment solutions for operators and players alike. Learn more at