The full list of speakers at the event included:
● Armando Lanuti, Creative Works
● Russ Van Natta, Creative Works
● Danny Gruening, Creative Works
● Kimberly Schilling, Creative Works
● Maureen Zappala, High Altitude Strategies
● Kevin Loughery, Prospr Communications
● David Wallace, Turfway Entertainment
● Jerry Merola, Amusement Entertainment Management
● Beth Standlee, TrainerTainment
● Frank Price, FL Price
● Howard McAuliffe, Pinnacle Entertainment Group
● Rebecca Metzner, Trifecta Management
● Kevin Lonzo, Lonzo Law
● Jackie Hoegger, Hoegger Communications
● Kevin Williams, Spider Entertainment
Creative Works secured a special keynote presentation by Maureen Zappala. Maureen is a former engineer, and was the youngest and first female manager of NASA’s Propulsion Systems Laboratory. She’s now an author and award winning speaker, and during her presentation, she helped attendees overcome the self-doubt of imposter syndrome.
In addition to the educational presentations, Amusement 360 included in-depth operator interviews, giving attendees an exclusive glimpse into the practices of businesses that have achieved remarkable success. Those interviews featured Jeff Gebhart and Craig Wescott from Five Star Parks, Scott Logan from Grand Station Entertainment, and Trent Coggins from Recoil Trampoline Park.
According to survey results from attendees at the last event, 100% of respondents reported learning valuable insights that significantly boosted their revenue, improved profitability, and helped them overcome significant business challenges.
Tony Harrell, an attendee, praised the opportunity to connect with industry peers, saying, "It is incredible to see other individuals in the same industry as you with similar challenges and goals, strategies and success stories, and they're here with you and willing to share."
The 2024 dates for Amusement 360 have been slated for April 23-25 and September 10-12. Interested individuals can see the full agenda and secure their spot by visiting the official Amusement 360 Event website at